Sunday, May 4, 2008

I've Gone LIVE !

I had been recording with Tracktion 3 for the past few months. It was the first DAW I had played with and it was really easy to put together some decent tracks. I decided to up the capabilities using Ableton Live 7.

It was a bit ackward at first but I'm starting to get the hang of it. What I like is how you can really tweak your clips and tracks to do exactly what you want.
I've recorded two tracks to pract lately:
Whole Lot of Rosie (AC/DC) and Shout At The Devil (Motley Crue)

Keep on rockin'.


Booker J Wood said...

Yip. Definately a nice and powerful tool that. I still use it a LOT myself. I especially like the easy midi editing and also the warping capabilities. The controller lanes are also VERY helpfull.

Everything just seems to work right off and if you're looking for some feature, it's most probably there where you expect it to be ;-)


Booker J Wood said...

Hey! Whats going on here ???

U P D A T E !!!
